I've been thinking about making a blog for some time, and I've finally decided to make one. I understand that my opinions do not matter, unless I file an amicus curiae brief. This is probably gonna go unread for some time, so it would be cool if someone left a comment, it would boost my self-esteem. Once I get my laptop back from the shop, I'll be able to scan my comics and artwork to share here and on DeviantArt.
I want to let you know right now that if you're religious then you'll probably get mad at me.
this also applies to : gays, lesbians, people with lisps, blonds, British people, Lost-fans, people in college, people from Red States, slutty girls, Celebrities, and lots of other things. I'm very insecure, so I have to make-fun of things to feel good about myself.
I'm awesome, smart, funny, enlightened, and cool. I make fun of things because I can. If your feelings are hurt then you should grow some balls and get a fucking funny bone, you bitch....sorry. But seriously, Why So Serious?
note about religion: I think that most religions are ok, and appreciate what church and religions can do for people. But stop thanking him for everything, you scored high on your test, you ran that fast, you had sex, not Him/Her/Shlim/Shler. Also, I hate, absolutely HATE religious nuts, violent worshippers, ignorant faithfulls, and people who spred religion through fear and hate, or practice through fear and hate.
I prefer something more peaceful, something better
That is why I am a practicing Pastafarian.
Learn more at The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Finally, everyone, have a happy holiday, and a very Merry FSMas.