June 27, 2009
June 26, 2009
Paleontology, if only

ha, this is what paleontology textbooks would say if the editors were dinosaurs
seriously though.
dinosaurs would totally take all the credit for my survival...not the fact...you know what? I'll stop before I kill the joke
from SMBC
Do work, son
I'm kinda scared though, the last stuff I wrote was crap, and it shames me. But I was younger, and I guess I know more now, but I'm not sure I know enough to take myself serious. I want this so I'm not gonna forget, I promise to write something, and I promise to post it, even if it's shit. So please read it once I do it, and give me advice, and hopefully you guys will help me become a better writer.
June 20, 2009
Memorial Service
for family that didn't get to be there for her when she passed.
My grandpa wouldn't even have one if it wasn't for family.
I kind of agree with him
I read my first summer book!
took me less than a week!
I read book one of the Dark Tower series, The Gunslinger, by Stephen King
now I think I'll read Purgatorio, by Dante
and then Paradiso, by dante
and then [hopefully] book two of the Dark Tower series, The Drawing of the Three
I wish I had a kindle...wait
no I don't
June 19, 2009

"Turn the clock back 3.4 billion years, transplant North America’s Lake Champlain to the floor of Mars’ Shalbatana Vallis, and you have a pretty good idea of what a team of scientists says it has uncovered on the red planet.
The find suggests that substantial amounts of water pooled and persisted on the martian surface hundreds of millions of years later than many planetary scientists currently estimate, the team says.
Moreover, the images the steam studies bear witness to a vast delta that would have formed when water gushed into the valley to form the lake. This would have been prime real estate for microbes, based on what biologists have learned about microbial ecosystems buried within Earth’s river deltas.
Images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s HiRISE camera and topographical data from the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter’s laser altimeter sealed the deal, according to team leader Gaetano Di Achille. He’s a planetary scientist at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The data, he says, provided “the first unambiguous evidence of shorelines on the surface of Mars.”
The formal report of the results has been accepted for publication in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
By the way, it’s hard to get an idea of what the team saw from the images we can post here. For a closer look — a much closer look — download and explore the full images from the HiRISE web site.
The team estimates that in its heyday, the lake covered 80 square miles and reached a depth of some 1,500 feet.
Planetary scientists have been hunting for such so-called paleolakes of this decade as NASA Mars missions have continued with their theme of “follow the water.” But until now, no one has been able to provide anything resembling smoking-gun evidence for ancient shorelines in other possible lakes — including two sites NASA is considering as landing spots for the Mars Science Laboratory, now scheduled for launch in 2011.
Shalbatana Vallis is one impressive valley. It’s some 800 miles long and about 12 miles across at its widest point. To the north, it drains into a vast basin. And, a bit like Arizona’s Grand Canyon, it has a handful of smaller valleys that branch off and lead upward to the surrounding highlands.
One of these, an 11-mile long side valley, is thought to have been the funnel through which at least one, and perhaps several, extreme floods flowed to form the lake. The telltale delta — formed as flood-borne sediment fanned out as it reached the valley floor — took at least 1,000 years to build, Di Achille’s team estimates.
With only one clearly identifiable shoreline, the team posits that the lake met its end either by draining fairly quickly or by freezing over, with the ice subsequently going from frozen to water vapor without passing through a liquid stage. This process also would have prevented new shorelines from forming as well.
Achille explains that most researchers hold that any warm, wet climate the planet enjoyed would have ended about 3.7 billion years ago. After that, conditions on the planet’s surface prevented water from gathering and persisting for significant periods of time. The new results suggest that significant amounts of water could have pooled on the surface far longer based on regional conditions, even if the overall climate no longer supported the presence of large bodies of standing water."
AWESOME...but really, it would be crazy-difficult to look for billion-year-old microbe fossils. I'm excited that we can theorize what mars may have looked like, but that information has no value unless we can use it. I know you can do science for science's sake, but maybe we should do something with more impact. You know what...
NASA needs to stop acting like a bunch of Goddam retards and forget moon missions and a manned mars mission. Manned missions are difficult, dangerous and costly. We need to go to Shalbatana Vallis, and do tests to see if there are underground aquifers orsomething like that. we have a rover that just rolls. we need something that can dig too. Or maybe a rover that has a balloon and motors so it can fly instead. Whatever, what I really REALLY want is a rover to go to Europa
Europa is a moon of Jupiter, it is covered with Ice, and we can see cracks and valleys in it caused by tidal shifing from Europas [likely] iron core and Jupiters massive gravity. The tidal flexing of the planet almost garuntees that there is a liquid ocean. The planet also has an atmosphere that is mostly oxygen that evaporates from the ice. I don't want to write another essay on Europa, so trust me. This is where we need to go, this is where we should focus all our astronmical and aeronautical genius. This is the most likely place for life to exist.
Life already exists without light on our planet, they are focused around hydothermal vents, which likely exist on Europa as well.
in other news, my grandmother passed away on Tuesday, we are having a service on Saturday, I got new books in the mail, and I'm reading the Gunslinger.
Also I'm scared
June 16, 2009
Oy Vey ~ what happended today
Oy vey (Yiddish: אױ װײ), or just oy, is an exclamation of dismay or exasperation meaning "woe."The term in its present form is borrowed from Yiddish,and is often described as "defying translation'' or being an "untranslatable expression" but which is described Random House Unabridged Dictionary as being "used to express dismay, pain, annoyance, grief, etc."and the Oxford English dictionary describes it as an "exclamation used by Yiddish-speakers to express dismay or grief".
Man...I am so, so sad. My grandma died today
she's gone
we took her off life support at 9:30 and she died at 3:15
she had a blood clot in her heart
the doctors told us there was no chance
and it took six hours for her to die
My Big Grandpa, Marty, is heartbroken. He's felt so much grief is so short a timecan you imagine how hard it is for him? To go on without his wife? And after one of his sons died a couple of years ago?
He's heartbroken
I'm worried about him, but I think he's worried about my mom.
the last time someone close to my mom died, she went on a month long drinking binge and quite working. And that was my father when I was in 10th grade
right now she doesn't have a job, and she's not willing to give up 18 months of sobriety. My grandpa has almost no one left. He has my family (eh) and his son in San Fransisco, and sister in Indiana, but he also has lots of family in Texas. I think he should move and be around family. Old Cowboys don't do well when left to their own devices. They need support and something to support.
I know that other people have problems of their own, but damn, so much f**king death
Oy f**cking vey
I'm stress out and want to both starve myself and consume mass quantities.
I need to do something to really relax, because if I don't, my eye's are gonna explode
June 13, 2009
i already got $200 in graduation money well as a pimped out binder full of paper and supplies (from my uncle) a huge pad of paper to draw on (from his 'friend' haha) and a fruit juicer/cutter/metal tornado rapped in plastic... he doesn't look gay, but some of the things my uncle does:
-lives in San Fransisco
-gave me a juicer
-healthy lifestyle
-has an asian boyfriend name J-Y
but he's very sweet, love's my brother and I so much, and he's very subconscious about it, J-Y is always his 'friend', when ever he gives us a present, he's nervous because he's afraid of rejection.
Anyway, I have a grad party today, it should be cool. It's in Spring Valley, and hopefully the weather is nice.
Graduation was great, the speeches were nice, and nothing went horribly wrong.
my name card got pulled out of my hand by the wind, so I freaked out
do I ask April to grab it or do I get it? hurry Marty, the wind, the wind, Marty, THE WIND!
So I got up and quickly snatched it before it could go farther. I took a bunch of pictures with a bunch of people, including Alexis Web. She wanted a pic with me for some reason, hmmm, do you think she was mocking me? THAT BITCH!!!! ha ha ha
I went to two parties yesterday, one at Missa's house, which was kinda dull, nothing to do because it took an hour for them to get ping-pong balls, and even then, I don't play beer-pong because I don't drink and I'm not the biggest fan of mono.
So then I went to a party at Paul May's, it was almost over, Everyone I knew had already left except Paul and some of his family. Anyway, at least today will be better.
If there are going to be any Summer party's, let me know. =]
Marty Party...duh
June 11, 2009
June 5, 2009
how awesome.
And I made CSF and got better grades than I thought I would.
I got awesome messages in my yearbook.
I'm going to miss everyone, and I'm looking forward to college.
I'm going to ask someone out on a date, hopefully she'll say yes
I'm graduating next week and that Saturday is my Graduation, which will have food and live music =]
hopefully friends will come, but everyone seems too busy for Marty, oh well, at least family will be there.
I got $75 dollars left and I don't know what to do with it, petty cash for a date? I don't know, save up for a tablet or buy Spore Galactic Adventures or the Fallout expansion packs or clothing? ugh, I think I'm going to try to get a job, maybe at Gamecrazy or Cold Stone Creamery? My future is like a huge map with hundred of locations with no names, I can take a path, but I don't know where it'll go. It's scary not knowing the next step
Also, last Wednesday i went to an Offspring concert at SDSU. There was two opening bands, "Street Dogs" from Boston, and Alkaline Trio. They were both ok, but the Offspring were very good. They played all of their best songs as well as some of their newer stuff, including "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" One of my favorite songs.
here are the lyrics
Show me how to lie
You’re getting better all the time
And turning all against the one
Is an art that’s hard to teach
Another clever word
Sets off an unsuspecting herd
And as you step back into line
A mob jumps to their feet
Now dance fucker dance
Man he never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you
And now you steal away
Take him out today
Nice work you did
You’re gonna go far, kid
With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See ‘em running for their lives
Slowly out of line
And drifting closer in your sights
So play it out I’m wide awake
It’s a scene about me
There’s something in your way
And now someone is gonna pay
And if you can’t get what you want
Well it’s all because of me
Now dance, fucker, dance
Man, I never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you
And now you’ll lead the way
Show the light of day
Nice work you did
You’re gonna go far, kid
Trust, deceived!
With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See ‘em running for their lives
Now dance, fucker, dance
He never had a chance
And no one even knew
It was really only you
So dance, fucker, dance
I never had a chance
It was really only you
With a thousand lies
And a good disguise
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See ‘em running for their lives
Clever alibis
Lord of the flies
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
Hit ‘em right between the eyes
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See ‘em running for their lives
Pretty cool, Huh? Anyway, my favorite song is Paranoid Android, by Radiohead