Doran is great in this deck, he turns my powerful defenders into overwhelming attackers. Well, today I played Devon, one of Hunters friends.
He was overconfident in himself, so I knew right at the beginning I was gonna put him down a peg. I didn't have the greatest hand, but I made it work. A few turns in, he thought he had the upper hand, but then I brought out Doran, then Timber protector, who made all my tree-folk stronger and indestructable. Each turn I would play more tree-folk, while he was stuck with elves and wolves. Once he began to stall for time, I knew it was almost over. I was just waiting for an opening. Finally, I knew what I had to do.
Attack him with everything at once!
He was struggling to comprehend that this game was lost.
Sometimes that's what you need to now to be good, is to know when you lost. But you also need to know that there is a chance. Fight to win, not at frivolous card-games, but at life. Fight for what you want, work with what you got, concede when you're gonna lose, so that you have time for another game.
Hopefully my nerdy habit hasn't lost me any respect.
It's a a strategy game
and it could make me some money
No, not playing for money, but being an artist for the cards
The game require high level quality artwork, not like Pokemon, or Yu-Gi-Oh! Which have repetitive artwork that is unimpressive, as well as a poor system for playing. Yu-Gi-Oh! doesn't even have rules for how to play multi-player! How ridiculous!
How preposterous!
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