Yes! new blog post in several months! I'm so sorry that I didn't update sooner, but time flies am I right? I did very well first quarter, 3.64 GPA. and I didn't really study that much or do good drafts for the papers. That isn't working this quarter. I'm probably not doing so well right now, grade-wise. but I can catch up by finals if I do all the reading.
Work is tiring. Minimum wage and 15 hours a week isn't that bad for this quarter, but man. it wears a guy out. For now I'm going to work not so much, because I have a 15 unit minimum for this and next quarter, but next year, I'm gonna take less classes and probably work more. Because I need money.
I'm worried that I won't have a place to live next year. I haven't looked or applied to anything, so I'm basically relying on the kindness of a friend who finds a place, which is shitty of me, but whatever. If I don't have enough money, family will back me up, but I'd rather do it myself. UGH I'm in such a shitty place right now. Classes are kinda crazy, but also I have to do financial aid too. And Spring break is a crappy two weeks! UC's should have 3 weeks in between every quarter. Whatever.
Anyway. I love the iPod I got for Xmas, I listen to it all the time. I like some more obscure stuff (not so much heavier music) but with only 800-ish songs, my music list is kinda light.
Besides reading and internet, I have a far more nerdier mode of procrastination: writing and drawing maps for a Dungeons & Dragons campaigns for friends and family back home to play. It's fun. It is like writing lite. I get to be creative without having to worry about audience.I get to combine my love of world- and creature-building into a entertaining game.
So I want to update more often, book reviews, etc. I love you all.
especially you. you know who you are.

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