September 29, 2010

New Direction

I've decided that the only way for me to regularly update my blog was to make it a less personal; I don' really want to share everything with everyone, so I'm turning this blog into an 
Yes, Instead of infrequent updates that attempt to catch the reader up to date of my day-to-day life. I will post drawings more frequently, with little else sides a short summary or idea behind the drawing.
So I'll share some of my drawings with you. All are done in Photoshop Elements, using an intuos 3 tablet.
If you want to know what I've been up to, I went back to college at UCSB, and now I'm at a dorm again, it's ok.
Just a silly idea.

A monster I drew soon before I left for UCSB

It says "You Could say I'm like Aquaman, except I kill people that make fun of me."
He's called The Nautilus 

It's  Danbo, you should look it up.

I always enjoy comments

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