A Silent-Hill type monster, but the setting is more radioactive. Like a town still suffering from nuclear fallout, along with the whole "pocket-dimension created by a little girl who is a powerful psychic" thing. So Twin would be one of the monstrous residents of the town, and likely a boss monster. Twin would be the guardian of a important part of the hospital, probably the pediatrics, which leads to where the protagonist wants to go. It would be the boss of the area Twin is a monstrous pair of conjoined twins, which attacks intruders with it's massive stumps. The Stumps were originally covered in random digits and tumors, so it chewed the deformed fingers and growths off so it could move more properly. Twin tends to walk using its forearms and rear legs, letting its forelegs dangle. It can also rear back on its all of its legs to make slam attacks with its arms. But Twin is very top heavy, and can be easily unbalanced when rearing on its back legs. AKA that's his weak spot.
In other news, I had my first student chef shift today, which was veggie prep, which consists of cutting and washing veggies, putting them in bags and putting them in a fridge. It's pretty chill, but the shift starts at 8. Ah. After the shift was over, I was sitting in my dorm room, about to watch a movie or something. Then I got a knock on my door, I opened it up and there is a blond girl. She asked me if I wanted to play ultimate frisbee. At first I was like "uuuuuuuhhhh....Where is it?" she told me where it was. After a quick calculation of pros and cons, I said yeah. I told her to let me get dressed first, and then went downstairs when I finished. I see a circle of people and join them, with some quick introduction. The blond girl and a black guy are the team leaders, and they pick teams. I'm on the blond girls team, along with some other people. Of course the black guy picked the two black girls, but fortunately, they were not that great. But soon into the game, we were down 0-3. Fortunately, we began to develop our groove, and quickly we caught up, and eventually won 10-8. We were the total underdogs too. So then I take a shower and do laundry and get dinner. Now i'm watching MST3K, which is an awesome show.

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