Everything on the News is so biased.
Commercials are getting really stupid
Movies are getting better and better special effects...but sacrifice plot and realistic characters.
Video-games are becoming the lives of many people.
Art itself can be forged through photoshop, and real painting tools cannot seem to compete with photoshop wizards.
People are reading less and less.
I LOVE books, my room is spilling with novels, and people look at me when I read for fun
I'm kinda hoping some kinda apocalypse will occur when people will need to be smart to survive
I'm personally hoping for a zombie outbreak
Or aliens or whatever to get natural selection back into the human system.
I've been reading some H.P. Lovecraft lately, he wrote horror stories and created Cthulhu, a dead but dreaming God of Madness from another planet. he look like this
Lovecraft was a sickly young man who had a sheltered child hood
His stories are strange and have surprising climaxes, the only bad things I can say about him is he's kinda longwinded (or is he simply building suspense?) and he is very, very racist. But I don't really care, he was raised in a time where it was ok to call Black people Negroes and Asians " The Yellow Masses." Also, if you wish to read his stories, bring alsong a Thesaurus/dictionary. Cthulhu has been through a lot. RPG games in his honour, webcomics about him, and plushies made in his likeness. I own one of them.
Ugh, finals are next week, I'm nervous, I don't care if I do really good, I just don't want to bomb any tests. Especially Math and Chem. God I hate Calculus, May the FSM help me to pass.
Well, I feel I have said enough, until next time folks
ps Sialorens party was great, it's funny to see how your friends act when drunk/high, and it's amusing to see how paranoid they can be when the Fuzz show up.
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