My Greatest Fear.
My Hope for the future.
There are many different concepts for a Zombie Armageddon. I wish to share some different possible types of undead (or not!).
The Classic
The most common zombie is recognized in the Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z.
It is slow, dumb, and killed by a head shot. You MUST destroy the brain or the zombie is still technically undead. Cutting off a head doesn't kill one, it only leave a useless corpse and a biting skull. The Classic cannot infect animals, they only die. As do those that consume zombie flesh. Classics cannot drown and it takes hours to burn them to death. Classics have somewhat heightened senses, and can sense living being even if all senses are removed. Does that make sense? You can run away from a Classic easily, just make sure not to run into any, for Classics tend to moan and howl when they spot prey, attracting more zombies to that location. Classics cannot starve to death and do not digest the food they eat, and if they eat enough their stomach will burst. Classics slowly decompose, but rate of change depends on temperature, humidity, and other factors. Egyptian Zombies will last a long time, as would Arctic Zombies, though Arctic Zombies entire body would freeze during the colder months. Hiding from Classics depends on a few things
a) Shut the Fuck Up
b) High Ground is good for you, especially in Urban environments. Classics cannot climb and stairs are a challenge, a blockade is good defense.
c) Learn to shoot a fucking gun
The Retro
The Retro is pretty much a smarter zombie. These are the guys that moan "Brrrraaaaaiiiiinnnnss" all night long. Some can talk, use guns or weapons or plan traps. They obey "Night of the Living Dead," rules. These guys are the most unrealistic kind of zombies, usually they are the result of Science gone wrong, dark magic, or Hell being full. Retros can be killed more easily then classics, but are still stronger than the average human. Retros can break through walls and have a knack for finding people hidden in closets. And if you're running away from a group of Retros, make sure you don't fucking run into another group. You'll look retarded.
The Parasite
The Parasite comes in many forms, from large head-crabs from the Dimension of Xen, to the worm-like Las Plagas. Head-crabs are an organism that looks like a large tick with a mouth on its belly. It jumps onto a persons head, bites the person and kills them by crushing their skull and piercing their brain. The head-crab becomes a new brain for the body and can control the body. The head-crab changes the body to become more hunter orientated, such as elongated claws that sprout from the fingertips and the mutation of the victims rib-cage. The chest split open, revealing the stomach and rib cages that have become spikes for hug attacks. Their are three kinds of head-crabs, the normal tan variety, the quick pale head-crabs that turn people into fast zombies that can climb buildings and jump great distances, and finally the black, poisonous HC that release a deadly nerve poison, when attached, the zombie becomes a host for several other black head-crabs that wait on the zombies back.. When prey is near, the black HC zombie chucks a HC at the prey, killing them and creating another zombie. HC's are extremely vulnerable to explosions and fire, but the traditional crowbar to the dome works well too.
The worm-like Las Plagas control their host from the inside, the worms work themselves into vital organs and parts of the nervous system. LP depend less on the host then to most kinds of zombies, for example, a head shot may not always kill an LP, the headless torso will reveal the worm emerged from the neck, sometimes a clawed worm will emerge, sometimes a toothy maw, others spout a spider-like creature that can detach from the host.. LP can be controlled by specially infected individuals, sort of like a queen bee controlling the workers.They are almost as smart as normal people, and their semi-hive mind makes them very powerful in large numbers, Most people infected with LP appear to be pale and very aggressive to those not infected. LP can communicate with each other and will immediately attack non-infected individuals. The LP is very amorphous, and can mutate wildly depending on person and species. Fossils have been found in Spain the emit spores that can infect people, luckily, we can remove the parasite with new laser technology. We can completely remove the parasite before it's too late.
Technology is going to destroy us all. We know it, and we just continue to go along with our slow suicide, hopefully our machine over-lords will find some purpose for keeping us alive. An example is the Borg from Star-Trek. They are smart, organized, and may carry advanced technology=weapons. Hopefully it's only an advanced form of the Classic zombie type. Scientists have already created a fully artificial virus made from silicon. No one has immunity to it so anyone could be infected. Luckily this robo-virus is a pussy, and being infected has no symptoms or disadvantages. This still can be a powerful weapon, you can tag on any kind of effects you want, from permanent blindness, to diarrhea, to a virus that controls its host to want to bite other people, spreading the robo-virus through saliva and into the blood. This is a simple version, but it could get as complex as the Borg. Depending on how the techo-virus operates, you could be scewed or really, really screwed.
28-Days Later.
Fast Zombies that can vomit blood.
Quick infection time (minutes, the others can take days, maybe even hours), and the infected can die of starvation.
Some people can become carriers of the Rage/whatever virus and infect others. Most mammals can be infected, especially primates.
There is also they extremely rare kinds of space parasite, which are aliens that control the person and posses even greater ability to mutate it's host. Some examples of SP's is The Thing (that movie that take place in the North Pole) has an alien that infects the host and mutates quickly to adapt to the situation. The only weapons that work on The Thing is explosions and large fires. The Thing can consume other organisms and grow very large if not killed. There are also the SP from Dead-Space and those from Dark-Sector, but these being are still relatively unknown. (meaning I have not played those video games yet).
If you have any more ideas about new or different kinds of zombies, you can leave a comment.
ps there are telepathic/telekinetic zombies from the novel Cell
there are fast Classics and Special Mutant Zombies from Left 4 Dead
and there are Ju-Ju voodoo zombies from Haiti. Voodoo zombies are only poisoned and drugged individuals that do not spread any kind of infection.

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