February 9, 2009

The Cost of Human Life

I had to be a philosopher again.

is this why we are in Iraq?
is this why Cheney is a primary investor of Haliburton?
Are the leaders of our country bad people?

Is your life important to you?
Is your families lives important to you?
Your friends?
If their lives were in danger, you would try to save them?
Wouldn't you?
If you couldn't save them, imagine how defeated, how broken you would feel.
How cheated that you are out of reach to save their lives.
Imagine how they feel, that they could have been saved, but no one would, or no one did, or if no one even tried.
This is misery
and hate

Can you put value on a life?
most say no
but most people are liars.
would you give anything to save your dying mother? to save her?
you just but value on her life.
the human life has so much value that it is valueless. And people kill hurt those they love, those they hate, and those they don't even know.

The president may not shoot the terrorist
But he killed him
He put the protection of a nation above the cost of a terrorist's life.
Do you think he would do the same to you?
You betcha

Many people support the War in Iraq, Iran, or Afghanistan, because they value there own lives above those of people that had nothing to do with 9/11.
Everyone involve was from Saudi Arabia, and many hid in Afghanistan, a mountainous country notorious for it's opium farms. This is probably where Osama bin Laden is. We will never find him.
So we will kill as many terrorists as we can
To protect ourselves.

But we are actually begetting more enemies than before and funneling our money out of the country, crippling ourselves.
we need to go where our help is truly needed
These poor people
they were stolen for their bodies
and killed for their land
and corrupted for their loyalty

They need the help
they ask for it
but the capitalist says that costs too much money, and then looks away.

everyone is bad
but some people are good too
I'm not asking you to save everyone
at least save yourself

because it's unlikely anyone else will
unless you're a white kid
then the whole fucking nation will go up in arms to find you
because you're more important than the thousand of orphans in Africa
People Fucking Suck
Hobbes was right

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