February 6, 2009

New Comic/ New Name

I've created a comic that I'll be posting here soon
it's called schadenfeude, which is a German word that is the joy you get when bad things happen to other people
it's not as evil as it sounds
it can be as simple as someone tripping or as complex as hitting a three-legged dog with a rolled up newspaper =]

the comic is a classic kid+imaginary friend kind, with the main character based of yours truly and his imaginary friend, Bol, who is...not human.
you'll see it soon
I promise

Movies to see:
Coraline =]
The Wrestler
Slumdog Millionaire
Curious Case of Benjamen Button
The Watchmen

Things to buy
Fallout 3
Whatever it takes so I can play SPORE
a didgeridoo
balloons for valentines...ugh

1984 is a great book

the plot twist near the begining of chapter 2 was INSANE

Also, I soon plan to start doing book reviews

if you want cheap books, tomorrow, Saturday, February 7th, their is a book sale at the IB public library. So GOGOGOGOGOGO!!!

ps. I love you
pps I'm gonna apply for a job at GameCrazy, wish me luck!

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