Books I've read during the summer break:
Dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger, Stephen King
Dark Tower 5: Wizard and Glass, Stephen King
Insomnia, Stephen King
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith
The Gripping Hand, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Ender's Shadow, Orson Scott Card
books to read:
Duma Key, SK
Hearts in Atlantis, SK
Lisey's Story, SK
other Dark Tower novels by SK
The Demon-Haunted World, Carl Sagan
Purgatorio, and Paradiso, by Dante
For a second, I would like to tell you about Insomnia, the book of course. I don't remember when I first read the book, but I was obviously a different person. I didn't take from the book from what I took today when i finished reading it, all of it's 787 pages. At the end of the book, the protagonist Ralph Roberts sacrifices himself to save Natalie, a six-year-old girl who is almost his grand-daughter. He does this knowingly, and he made a deal with...well, someone who decides when you die, to trade his life for hers. He sacrifices his happy life with his new wife and beagle. He lets himself go so that he can give life to someone who hasn't lived yet. My grandfather has told me that he has cried at the end of novels, but I didn't think that I ever would.
I feel like a wuss, like a cry-baby. But I guess it's good. It was a great novel, and it helped me discover that personal sacrifice is a virtue that I respect.
I would probably be a Christian if it wasn't for all the other stuff that sucks about Christianity. That's why I'm a Pastafarian. at least, that's what I tell others.

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