I'm happy and excited to go to college
but I'm scared, too.
I still have a lot of graduation money =]
bank account-check
drivers license-soon
scuba license-weh
buy a kayak-soon
movies to see:
Transformers 2
Hurt Locker
Funny People
they look good, especially the latter two, I want to see the robot one just for robots
I'm glad I'm bored of video games, it's allowing me to read more, but lately I've felt like a home-body. I rarely get out, but I'm also eating way less. Which is good, I suppose.
I'm checking craigslist and ebay for a good deal on a kayak, but seriously, they're expensive. I'll probably have to settle with an inflatable one...probably a cheap one too. Which is lame because I was hoping to do some fishing too...accident to happen.
I need a job.
oh well, at least I don't have to go to school this month

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